Screen It Review: Heat Film review and detailed analysis of the film’s content. Lists all incidents of violence, drug or alcohol use, and other …Read more
Heat Fan site includes reviews, quotes, and quite a few screencaps. Sound clips and videos are, unfortunately, currently unavailable. HeatRead more Paparazzi Images Several high-resolution stills from Paparazzi. Click on the thumbnail to see a larger version, then click on "Bild in Originalgrösse …Read more
MovieWeb: Paparazzi Brief film details and an outstanding selection of high-resolution stills, two of which feature Kevin Gage. Links to movie trailers …Read more
MovieWeb: Heat Brief film details and an outstanding selection of high-resolution stills. Unfortunately no Waingro pics. MovieWeb: HeatRead more Heat Detailed review in German. Click on "Die Bilder" in the links to the right of the text for a page …Read more
The Bad-Boy Mickey Rourke Web Site Well-designed fan site highlights the ups and downs of Rourke’s career. Point Blank does not seem to be a highlight. …Read more
Steele Justice caps & clip The 1987 film Steele Justice gives us an idea just how far Kevin Gage has come since he started his …Read more
Point Blank caps & clips Point Blank is a 1-star film with 4-star Kevin content. He’s lookin’ good with long hair, bare arms and big …Read more
Rogers Video: Point Blank View movie trailer in streaming Real Media or Windows Media formats. Rental information for Canada. Rogers Video: Point BlankRead more
DVD Cult: Point Blank DVD Review The reviewer considers Point Blank a candidate for cult status, calling it "a tongue-in-cheek send up of big-budget Hollywood action …Read more
Movies in the Attic: Point Blank Discusses Point Blank from the perspective of Mickey Rourke’s career, describing it as "a movie which action is delivered no …Read more