Netflix: Confessions of an American Girl From Netflix, a description and reviews for Confessions of an American Girl. Netflix: Confessions of an American GirlRead more
MGM/UA Movie Database: Confessions of an American Girl From the film’s distributor, an official page with synopsis, cast and crew, four stills and several audio clips in WMV …Read more
Rotten Tomatoes: Confessions of an American Girl Rotten Tomatoes offers a small selection of mixed positive and negative reviews for the film. Rotten Tomatoes: Confessions of an …Read more
DVDTalk: Confessions of an American Girl rates Confessions of an American Girl 3 out of 5 stars, giving credit to Jena Malone and commenting that …Read more
Epinions: Confessions of an American Girl Epinions reviewer rates Confessions of an American Girl 2.5 out of 5 stars, giving kudos to the young actress Jena …Read more